Batch Convert Videoclips on Mac OSX CLI using Quicktime
by Losty on Montag, 7. Mai 2012 20:51
While compressing the videos of my Pentax K-5 I searched for some scriptable solution because I have some 100 files lying around. Unfortunately the - via Google commonly advised - Handbreak-(GUI-) Solution uses ffmpeg to decode input sound, which puts you strange thump sounds to the output (even when set to "pass-thru"). I don't know who to blame, but this problem is also described in a post at pentaxforums.
I also tried DV Kitchen (another GUI-Solution) which had thump-free sound output but keept crashing randomly.
While working on a Cocoa- (meaning "programming-") solution (the first steps are actually pretty easy with Quick Time Framework "QTKit". Google for "qtmovie". The method "writeToFile:withAttributes" lets you specify QTMovieExportSettings, but this will only work with predefined export settings e.g. for playback on iPhone, iPad and some more. No custom encoding settings) I came across these handy qt_tools (the .dmg comes including C sources *nice*). IHMO their authors definitely have a SEO problem with their site ;-).
After installing (which actually means that you just have to find a way to get the bin/qt_export shellskript or the binary inside you can use this as follows:
qt_export --dodialog --savesettings=myExportSettings.stA dialog will pop up with a lot of encoding configuration detail settings.

qt_export IN.AVI OUT.MOV --loadsettings=myExportSettings.stA simple shellscript which does this job for some 100 files in a certain directory could now look like this:
#!/bin/bash QT_EXPORT="/Applications/" EXPORTSETTINGS="" BASENAME="/usr/bin/basename" TOUCH="/usr/bin/touch" STAT="/usr/bin/stat" if [ "$1x" = "x" ]; then PATH="." else PATH=$1 fi for filename in $PATH/*.AVI do IN=$filename OUT=`$BASENAME -s .AVI $filename`.MOV $QT_EXPORT $IN $OUT --loadsettings=$EXPORTSETTINGS $TOUCH -t `$STAT -f "%Sm" -t "%Y%m%d%H%M.%S" $IN` $OUT done;[EDIT: added re-date for easier handling in iMovie]
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