UI Experts
by Losty on Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2014 12:15
For sure: scientist are not necessarily UI experts.
However: formatting JavaDoc with "text-align: center" ... priceless!

comments. 0
by Losty on Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2014 12:15
For sure: scientist are not necessarily UI experts.
However: formatting JavaDoc with "text-align: center" ... priceless!
comments. 0 tags. development
by Losty on Freitag, 24. Januar 2014 16:54
comments. 0 tags. development
by Losty on Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2014 18:00
Nur so: ganz unscheinbar unter "Beispiele" verbirgt sich hier mal eine echt spannende Auflistung der verschiedenen aktuellen Techniken inklusive der vom Marketing häufig unterschlagenen Netto-Bitraten...
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datendurchsatz#Beispielecomments. 1 tags. technik
by Losty on Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014 14:28
comments. 0 tags. wetter
by Losty on Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014 19:35
The Synology DSM already provides quite some fancy ways to stream music (and even video) *FROM* the Synology NAS via Airplay to Airplay Receivers e.g. Apple-TV, etc. (see: Synology's Blogpost on Airplay).
However: unfortunately I could not find any out-of-the-box-solution or a (neither official nor un-official) package to use the Synology NAS as an Airplay-Receiver to stream music *TO* the NAS (...and play back via an USB soundcard).
All I could find were some horribly complicated instructions on how to compile that stuff on your own and eventually get it working. I have to mention and thank...
My setup is as follows:
What do I have to do?
1. fetch needed IPKG packages:
> ipkg install pkgconfig gcc make openssl openssl-dev alsa-lib
> wget "https://github.com/abrasive/shairport/archive/master.zip"
> unzip master.zip
> cd shairport-master
> ./configure
> CC=gcc make
> echo "defaults.pcm.ipc_gid \"root\"" > ~/.asoundrc
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib ./shairport -p 5005 -a "Synology" &
Default Airplay port is 5000, which is also the alternative port of the Synology DSM. Can be changed using "-p" in shairport. "-a" specifies the name which will appear in Airplay.
Et voilà! Go to iTunes an try to use that new Airplay target.
Still a bit complicated to start and stop, but surprisingly this worked quite stable for the last hours now... ;-)
Next up: how do I compile a Synology Package... ;-)